Web Design Q and A: What's The Biggest Mistake People Make With Their Data?
My favorite thing about presenting, teaching classes or conducting webinars is the Question and Answer portion. It's the real time to make sure I provide value to the audience, mostly made up of marketing directors, VPs, CEOs and Small Business Owners.
During a recent webinar, I conducted a full Q and A session on how to use data to drive web design and digital marketing, and broke down the top answers here.
But a few more caught my eye that I wanted to call out.
Here's one:
Justin Asks: What is the Biggest Mistake Brand Make With Their Web Data?
My Answer: Don't be a headline reader. Reading headlines on data has nothing to do with your brand. Your web data, your Google Analytics data and your heatmapping data tell you your brand's data driven action items.
Also, don't justify your data. Don't just say, "oh yeah, that makes sense because of x, y, z thing. Challenge yourself to find the action item from the data, and implement the action item, and make it an iterative process for 30 Minutes A Month.
Thanks for reading, watching and listening, and have a great day!
Paul Hickey, Founder / CEO / Lead Strategist at Data Driven Design, LLC has created and grown businesses via digital strategy and internet marketing for more than 10 years. His sweet spot is using analytics to design and build websites and grow the audience and revenue of businesses via SEO/Blogging, Google Adwords, Bing Ads, Facebook and Instagram Ads, Social Media Content Marketing and Email Marketing. The part that he’s most passionate about is quantifying next marketing actions based on real data.