Posts Tagged ‘Content Marketing’
Web Design and Digital Marketing DIY
WATCH READ Ever hear the phrase – “you should try to put yourself OUT OF BUSINESS every day?” As an entrepreneur, it’s one that resonates with me big time. As a super small digital agency proven capable of working on the largest of large projects that any big agency does, it’s a concept that doesn’t…
Read MorePutting Myself In The Audience's Shoes
WATCH READ As marketers we TALK all the time about “putting ourselves in the audience’s shoes.” It’s extremely important to know who we’re talking to, of course, but recently I’ve started to realize how much more important it is to cut through the clutter and just flat out tell the audience the value proposition of…
Read MoreWhat's Your Take On 280 vs. 140? I'm Using Twitter More Now.
READ In a somewhat hilarious moment in a client meeting a couple weeks ago, I was asked… So Paul, “What’s your take on 280 vs. 140?” I froze, not knowing what the hell just happened, then I realized the client was talking about the recent increase in Twitter characters from 140 per tweet to 280…
Read MoreSEO Talk: Behind The Scenes
WATCH READ Such a common problem in the SEO Client Services Game is a lack of communication with the client about what’s really happening. Too many SEO Service Providers simply send a report every month and don’t communicate. This is the easy way out, and the quick way to recurring revenue for the provider, but…
Read MoreThe Data Behind Black Friday: Please Unsubscribe From My Email List
WATCH READ Please unsubscribe from my email list! This is basically what many marketers are saying to their customers on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. It’s important to understand the data, psychology and user behavior behind the impact of marketers waiting until the one time a year when they believe they have consumer attention to…
Read MoreDigital Content Strategy: Authenticity Wins
WATCH READ I get it. You hear all the time that you have to be funny or engaging on social media. It’s extremely intimidating to think about how to be funny. And funny is freaking subjective as hell. You’re too busy running your company, build your team, drive revenue and track cash flow to worry…
Read MoreData Driven Daily Tip: Content Marketing
WATCH READ In content creation for business, don’t be afraid to simply be yourself and speak your truth. Even if it has nothing at all to do with your business. If it’s something you personally are interested in, and it’s part of your story, your audience will feel a connection with that and it could…
Read MoreRed Letter Day
WATCH READ When Jamie Dunham, always a top 10 person on my list, and striving to be #1 overall, asked me to present at Red Letter Day this year, I was not only completely flattered and honored, but more pumped up than anything. You see, if you’ve ever met me or read any of my…
Read MoreWhat Is Digital Strategy?
WATCH READ It’s not easy to explain what digital strategy is. It’s such a broad term and I think many agencies struggle to get a handle on it. To me, it’s simple though. Digital strategy = growing your business. To grow your business, you need to know your audience. You need to know where your…
Read MorePodcast Episode 6: Digital Strategy Q and A
Listen Read While we typically work directly with clients, we have supported agencies in the past, and will continue to do so if the situation/relationship/opportunity is right, and most of all, if the people are great. Thus, my relationship with the folks at SnapShot Interactive in Nashville is strong. They specialize in video production, and…
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