READ We don’t know exactly when, but we know that WordPress 5.0 is coming. And when it does, there’s likely to be things that break across WordPress sites worldwide, especially eCommerce sites. Now, I’m here to tell you not to panic, but rather to prepare. WordPress is changing, but it’s changing for the long-term better,…

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READ I’ve written and talked a lot about Google My Business and how important it is to small business owners and digital marketers. In addition to acquiring and verifying your listing, and the benefits you get from it. we clearly have seen that Google wants businesses to be posting frequently on their verified listing page. See…

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READ Email marketing has become a lost art. Marketers and Business Owners simply don’t know what to do, so they become completely paralyzed. They dwell on the following questions rather than taking action with the questions in mind. How often does your business send out email marketing messages? Have you figured out the right cadence?…

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READ Yo, so I get it. I feel you. I mean, I may seem like I don’t have as much experience as you, but I’ve been in the game for 18 years. I started with fax machines. Making copies. Making print pieces and passing them out by hand to the media. I mean, I know…

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READ It’s okay. It’s NOT a dumb question. Everyone wants to know. Everybody asks it. The answer is not clear to many who are not true practitioners, but all marketing directors, marketing managers, small business owners and sometimes even CMOs and CEOs really want to know. There are philosophical differences between the two, like when…

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READ We’ve all been there before. That place of feeling like something is missing, forgotten, overlooked, lost in the shuffle. Whatever the reason or excuse, something was forgotten and is now missing. Unfortunately for website owners (people responsible for the content on their website), whether you’re in the marketing department, or are running a business,…

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