Posts Tagged ‘Wordpress plug-ins’
How To Create An Exit Intent Pop Up On A WordPress Site: Data Driven Daily Tip 289
WATCH LISTEN READ Attention Marketers and Small Business Owners: the data is overwhelming that you should not bombard users with pop-ups that prompt them for their email addresses upon immediately accessing your website. To many it feels intrusive. They’ve visited you, and you’re already asking them for something. Gross. BUT, there is a web design…
Read MoreWordPress Tip: How To Fix "Missed Scheduled" Blog Posts
WATCH LISTEN READ Have you ever scheduled a post in WordPress that didn’t go live? Maybe you were on vacation and scheduled a blog post, and then when you checked, there was a “Missed Schedule” message next to it? It’s happened to me frequently, but not consistently. Basically, it has happened randomly. And thanks to…
Read MoreHow To Download A Google Font And Add It To A WordPress Website: Data Driven Daily Tip 286
WATCH LISTEN READ This is a great Web Design and Development tip for anyone with a WordPress website who wants to add fonts to their theme. Downloading a Google Font and adding it to your WordPress theme is super easy with a plug-in called Use Any Font. This video shows you exactly how to ensure…
Read MoreHow To Redirect Your Users To A Custom URL In Your Membership Website Using Memberpress – Data Driven Daily Tip 254
WATCH LISTEN READ I’ve been building a lot of Membership websites for clients over the last couple of years, mainly using WordPress and exploring the best membership plug-in options, which I’ve documented here… My number one choice is MemberPress. As such, I wanted to show you real quick how to set things up to have…
Read MoreWhat You Need To Know About Stripe Transactions In MemberPress – Data Driven Daily Tip 252
WATCH LISTEN READ The thing I absolutely love about building Membership Websites using WordPress is that any subject matter expert can build their own business. For example, you may be the #1 aficionado on comic books, baseball cards, fitness supplements, or things to do on Thursday nights in small rural towns. Or, you may have…
Read MoreHow To Use WordPress and Gravity Forms to Show Users Different Confirmation Pages and Route Emails to Different Employees. Data Driven Daily Tip 250.
WATCH LISTEN READ We’ve had several clients with multiple business locations ask us how they can automate feedback for a particular store or office location directly to the manager or supervisor of that location, based on a client or customer on the front end selecting that location. We’ve also had several clients ask how to…
Read MoreHow To Add Schema To WordPress Custom Post Types: Data Driven Daily Tip 248
WATCH LISTEN READ WordPress Has Great Plug-ins To Add Structured Data to your website. Our favorite, for many reasons, is WP SEO Structured Data Schema Pro. The main reason we like it is because it adds Schema options to each page at the bottom, similar to Yoast SEO. It also adds it to each post.…
Read MoreHow To Download Entries From Gravity Forms Into A Spreadsheet: Data Driven Daily Tip 245
WATCH LISTEN READ Top Forms WordPress Plug-Ins One of our favorite WordPress Plug-ins is Gravity Forms. It not only allows simple form building, but it has great styling capabilities, and the ability to extend into many integrations with CRMs and Email Marketing Platforms. It is great for not only lead generation, but also submission routing…
Read MoreHow To Install A Smart App Banner On Your WordPress Website: Data Driven Daily Tip 242
WATCH LISTEN READ One of the many things we love about WordPress is the extension of free functionality via useful plug-ins, for example, the Smart App Banner. Oh you! I said Smart App, not Smart Ass. 🙂 What is a smart app banner? You know those things you see at the top of some website…
Read MoreHow To Turn Your Website Into A Revenue Generation Tool: Data Driven Daily Tip 240
WATCH LISTEN READ Smart businesspeople will use their WordPress website as a true sales tool, NOT JUST a lead generation tool. When most people think of “Return On Investment” related to their new website redesign project, they think of “how much net new web traffic is this site going to give me.” That’s fine, but…
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