READ The relentless pursuit of productivity. As a businessperson, It’s really what I think about constantly. It’s really what drives me. We’re a client services company, which means we’re a productivity company. Which means, as the owner of the company, I have to set the bar for productivity and time management. As such, I’m documenting…

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READ This isn’t a “how to” blog. This is a straight up “tell you what to do” blog. Marketers (and when I say “marketers” I’m referring to everyone from Small Business Owners to CMOs – you need to KNOW your target audience. I’m not saying “understand” or “analyze and synthesize their every movement” and “use…

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WATCH LISTEN READ Hola mis amigos de negocios! Translation: Hello, my business friends. It’s true I’ve talked and written a lot about the data showing that Facebook Ads have a better CPM and Cost Per Click than LinkedIn for B2B Advertising. However, it’s important for your business to have a consistent LinkedIn presence, and even…

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