WATCH READ What’s the best way to embed video on your website? I get asked this question all the time, and while YouTube is generally my answer, due to the fact that it’s free, easy to use and great for SEO, there is another solution that may be better depending on your situation. If you’ve…

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WATCH LISTEN READ There’s no coincidence that I’m posting this on YouTube and embedding it in my website. 🙂 Kelly Savoca of asked a great question in a recent Live Access Session for Data Driven Academy Members. Should I be using YouTube or Vimeo to embed videos in my website? Her concern was…

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READ You may or may not realize it, but 90% of my blog posts are literally answering questions from clients. Here’s one I’ve received several times over the years, and got again recently. Client: “Video question for you … is it better to use Vimeo or YouTube to host our videos? I heard a rumor…

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