Alexa Skills
Must Read: What Will Happen In Voice In 2020
READ 2020 is going to be a HUGE year for Voice. Specifically, 2020 is going to be the year that most businesses start to get entry-level Voice Apps, just like they started getting websites in the early 2000s. SMBs Will Get A Voice What does this mean? It means that your local HVAC repair business,…
Read MoreWhat Are The Best Tools Available To Make Your Own Voice Apps? (Alexa Skills and Google Actions)
WATCH LISTEN READ The same way that our lives all improved as consumers and eventually as marketers and business owners in 2008-2010 with the advent of the iPhone and other smartphones, 2020 will be the year and certainly mark the beginning of the decade in which all of our lives improved due to Voice technology,…
Read MoreWhat Is The Difference Between An Alexa Skill And A Siri Shortcut? Data Driven Daily Tip 352
WATCH LISTEN READ I was talking recently with a good friend of mine, QuHarrison Terry, who is the co-founder of Inevitable/Human and the head of growth marketing at Mark Cuban Companies. He was asking me about why I thought the Alexa Skills Store would be the next $46 billion App Store. My answer, that Amazon…
Read MoreHow To Publish An Alexa For Business Private Skill & Invite Manage Users – Data Driven Daily Tip 350
WATCH LISTEN READ I love Alexa for Business. You just need an AWS account to deploy Private Alexa Skills to employees of your organization. You can also use it to manage company-owned devices and which company private skills can be used on personal employee devices. What you’ll need: 1. An Alexa Skill built and ready…
Read MoreHow To Change and Replace Alexa's Voice – Data Driven Daily Tip 349
WATCH LISTEN READ I was recently asked a question while presenting about how to build voice apps that caught my attention. The attendee asked if I thought that human interaction would change to a dulled down monotone voice with each other, because so many people are talking to Alexa, and that’s how Alexa talks. My answer is…
Read MoreHow I Built An Alexa Skill With My 10 Year Old Son – Data Driven Daily Tip 348
WATCH LISTEN READ There are basically four main ways that I build Voice Apps (Alexa Skills and Google Actions). 1. Amazon Alexa Blueprints and Google Action Templates – these are pre-built Voice Apps that allow content marketers and developers to change and customize the content in the flow. These can include some cool functionality though,…
Read MoreHow To Test Your Alexa Skill Without A Device – Data Driven Daily Tip 341
WATCH LISTEN READ Alexa Skill Development is a skill set that is becoming more and more recognized in the mainstream. I recently met a community college professor at a speaking engagement in Nashville who is trying to build a Voice Design / Voice Development program at his school. PHENOMENAL. This will happen. SOON. And as…
Read MoreHow To Build Multimodal Voice Apps Using Alexa Presentation Language – Data Driven Daily Tip 339
WATCH LISTEN READ Before I get into defining Alexa Presentation Language (APL), I have to define “Multimodal Voice App.” What the heck is a multimodal voice app? By now, we’re all somewhat familiar with what we can ask Alexa to do. Some of us way more familiar than others. And by now, we should at…
Read MoreHow To Set Up An Amazon Alexa Developer Account – Data Driven Daily Tip 337
WATCH LISTEN READ The first step towards creating your Alexa Skill or Alexa Flash Briefing for your brand, start-up or small business, is to create an Amazon Alexa Developer Account. It’s one of the easiest possible steps in the entire experience of building Alexa Skills, but it still feels good to get started and know…
Read MoreSave The Date: 8.7.2020 – Nashville Voice Conference – Why Businesses Need Voice
WATCH READ “There’s a progression happening now where it went from ‘you had to have a website, then you had to have some engagement, blogs and things like that, and then all the way to an instagram presence, a video presence; and now we’re seeing the next generation of that, as podcasting becomes a billion…
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